How Old Was Jesus When He Died And Should I Care About It?
Do you want to know how old Jesus Christ was when He died?
In this article, we will try to determine Jesus’ age when He was crucified on the cross.
When Jesus Died

The biblical texts do not reveal to us the exact date and exact age of Jesus’ death when He was crucified on the cross. We do know the surrounding events that led to His death.
Jesus celebrated the Passover feasts with His disciples the night before His crucifixion. This would have been His last supper.
After His arrest, Scripture records for us the Roman governor of Judea during that time, Pontius Pilate. He governed from A.D. 26-36.
So, most scholars agree – in general – that Jesus may have died at around A.D. 30. That is roughly what scholars estimate.
The best educated guess is that Jesus might have been around 33 years of age when He died.
Ultimately, we cannot be too dogmatic about the exact date and exact age of Jesus’ death. Scripture does give us other clues.
When Jesus Began His Earthly Ministry
The Bible reveals clearly when He began his ministry on earth right after his baptism by John the Baptist. According to Luke 3:23, Luke records that Jesus’ public ministry began at about thirty years of age.
Afterwards, Jesus began teaching the gospel and the kingdom of God and performing miracles.
When Jesus Christ Was Born

Jesus was born during King Herod’s reign. He ruled Israel and Judah at approximately 37–4 B.C. (Matthew 2:1; Luke 1:5).
The Life Of The Lord Jesus Christ In The Four Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John recount Jesus’ earthly life. He is the central figure in the gospels and in the Bible. Each Gospel writer provides a unique perspective of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel narratives tell us about Jesus’ birth (only Matthew and Luke), Jesus’ life, and Jesus’ ministry.
At the beginning of the synoptic gospels in the New Testament, the authors tell us that John the Baptist began preparing the way of the Lord, as it was prophesied in the Old Testament.
These biblical accounts are essential for the Christian faith. Christians learn from Jesus’ teaching and example. Sometimes, Jesus had hard instructions for His disciples on the cost of discipleship.
Jesus came into the order to fulfill the will of the Father and to give His life as a ransom for many by dying on the cross and being raised on the third day.
Frequently Asked Questions

How Old Was Mary When She Gave Birth To Jesus?
The Bible does not tell us how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus. It was in the context of betrothal. According to Christian history, Mary may have been a teenager when she betrothed Joseph.
It was not unusual in the ancient culture for a couple to get married young.
How long was Jesus on the cross?
Mark 15:25 tells us that “it was the third hour when they crucified [Jesus].” According to Luke 23:44, darkness came upon the land at the sixth hour until the ninth hour.
The Jews began their day at 6 AM. So, the third hour would have been around 9 AM, the sixth hour was around noon, and the ninth hour was around 3 PM.
Jesus was on the cross for around six hours.
While we may not know exactly how old Jesus was when He died, I am satisfied with his age 33.
The most crucial point is not how old Jesus was when he died but the fact that He did die, and it carries significance for all sinners in the world.