Best Order To Read The New Testament For Beginners (2025)
What is the best order to read the New Testament in 2025?
As a pastor, I have read the New Testament many times. I have preached and taught some of the letters in the New Testament in various settings.
If you’re focusing on the New Testament books, there are many helpful Bible reading plans available for Christians and beginners alike.
In fact, it is totally fine to spend the year focusing on the New Testament, and not read the Old Testament. However, I do encourage you to read the whole Bible. Click to find out the best order to read the entire Bible.
You can grow in your understanding of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Many essential doctrines are expounded in the New Testament, such as the Trinity, the Person of Christ, The Holy Spirit, The Church, Election, Justification By Faith, Sanctification, and The End Times.
If you are beginning with the New Testament, I personally do not recommend reading the New Testament from the Gospel of Matthew all the way to the book of Revelation (also known as the Canonical Order).
I would suggest that the best place to start reading the New Testament for the first time is by better understanding its major storylines and themes.
(NOTE: this reading order is purely my suggestion, and these lists are subject to change.)
What Is The Suggested Order To Read The New Testament?

The Reformer, Martin Luther, once said, “Should a tyrant succeed in destroying the Holy Scriptures and only a single copy of the Epistle to the Romans and the Gospel according to John escape him, Christianity would be saved.” Luther would consider Romans and John as fundamental books of the New Testament.
It is important to understand the major or key storylines of the Bible. Hence, this category, “the fundamental books,” aims to help you focus on the main thing.
What should be the fundamental books of the New Testament to read in order for beginners?
- The Gospel of John
- The book of Ephesians
- The Gospel of Luke
- The book of Acts
- The book of Colossians
- The gospel of Mark
- The book of 1 Peter
- The book of 1 John
- The book of Revelation
Congratulations! You are 1/3 done with the New Testament.
After reading this list, you should have a general understanding of the storyline of the New Testament.
Plus, the gospels and Book of Acts are narrative in nature. Many of Paul’s letters were written during his missionary journey in Acts, so they offer some historical context.
The following books will help you to dig deeper into the essential teachings of the New Testament.
- The book of Romans
- The book of 1 Corinthians
- The gospel of Matthew
- The book of Galatians
- The book of Philippians
- The book of 1 Thessalonians
- The book of 1 Timothy
- The book of 2 Timothy
- The book of James
After this part of the reading journey, you should understand doctrines, theology, and Christian living more deeply. Plus, you are 2/3 done with the New Testament.
Lastly, this category will help you round out your understanding of the New Testament. They’re letters that are not often read or understood. However, I believe you can read them without a problem because many of them are VERY short, with only one chapter!
- The book of 2 Corinthians
- The book of Hebrews
- The book of Titus
- The book of 2 Thessalonians
- The book of 2 Peter
- The book of Philemon
- The book of Jude
- The book of 2 John
- The book of 3 John
CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the New Testament!
What Is The New Testament?

The New Testament is about Jesus Christ. Through Him, He is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. In Christ, we have redemption and salvation under the New Covenant. By His power, He will build His church, which is the gathering of His people whom He called out of darkness.
It consists of 27 books. It is generally divided into five categories in the canonical order.
Four Gospels
- The Gospel of Matthew – The New Testament begins by writing to a Jewish audience.
- The Gospel of Mark – The shortest gospel of Jesus’ life.
- The Gospel of Luke – the longest book in the New Testament
- The Gospel of John – the most recommended gospel for a new believer or skeptic.
Early Church
- The Book of Acts – The beginning of the Christian church.
Paul’s Letters or Pauline Epistles
- The Letter To The Romans – the comphrensive explanation of the gospel.
- The 1st Letter To The Corinthians – the early church gone wild.
- The 2nd Letter To The Corinthians – the early church that made Paul cry.
- The Letter To The Galatians – Justification by faith, not by circumcision.
- The Letter To The Ephesians – the shorter version of the Romans.
- The Letter To The Philippians – the Christian life is all about joy, even in prison!
- The Letter To The Colossians – the church that Paul never planted.
- The 1st Letter To The Thessalonians – Encouraging Christians in the middle of persecution
- The 2nd Letter To The Thessalonians – Paul’s indictment against the man of lawlessness.
- The 1st Letter To Timothy – the basic understanding of how God structures the church.
- The 2nd Letter To Timothy – Paul’s last letter before he’s executed.
- The Letter To Titus – Church planting 101
- The Letter To Philemon – The relationship between a slave and master.
General Epistles or General Letters
- The Letter To The Hebrews – exposition of the Old Testament and how Jesus is greater.
- The Letter of James – The wisdom literature of the New Testament.
- The 1st Letter of Peter – Christians living in a persecuting world.
- The 2nd Letter of Peter – Peter’s final letter before he’s martyred.
- The 1st Letter of John – God’s love and assurance of salvation
- The 2nd Letter of John – Don’t invite false teachers.
- The 3rd Letter of John – Support missionaries.
- The Letter of Jude – Fighting for the Christian faith against false teachers.
- The Book of Revelation – What will the future hold?
Another Suggested Reading Order of New Testament Books

Whenever we read the books, we always start at the first page. It makes sense because that’s generally how books work.
So, for the Bible, it makes sense to begin from the book of Genesis when a Christian begins reading through the entire Bible.
However, the New Testament is not that straightforward. Sure, you can use the Canonical order, reading from Matthew to Revelation. But, that’s not necessarily how the order of events occurred.
Chronological Order
The chronological order is a good reading plan for many Christians. It is best (not perfect) for following the order of events in the New Testament.
So, I would suggest you consider reading the New Testament chronologically.
Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Study The New Testament?
One of the best ways to study the New Testament is by reading it multiple times and being familiar with the storyline.
Afterwards, the next step is to pick up an ESV Study Bible and pick a book to focus your study on.
There are also many study Bibles to choose from if you do not want the ESV Study Bible.