7 Best Bible Translations In 2025 (Are They Accurate?)
Did you know that there are close to 1000 English Bibles that have been translated ever since the 1500s?
With so many Bible translations available, it can be difficult to choose the best one for yourself, for your loved ones, or for your friends.
It is also important to know which Bible translations you should avoid.
We have compiled a list of the 7 Best Bible translations available in the market. Hopefully, you can make an informed decision and purchase the right one.
Let’s dive right into it!
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What Are The Best Bible Translations?
When finding the right translation for yourself, here are some of the most sought-after Bible translations. You can purchase the Bibles on Amazon.
New International Version (NIV)
The NIV is a popular English translation of the Bible. The completed version was first published in 1978 by Zondervan. It is a great choice for beginners or new believers looking to read the Bible for the first time. It is generally easier to read as it smooths out the sentences. It is generally suitable for everyone of all ages.
The NIV is also one of the most common Bible versions or most popular Bible versions in the world. It is considered one of the top selling Bible translations.
- Thought-for-thought translation
- Appropriate for all ages
- Ideal for beginners of the Bible and elementary school students
- Free of technical language
- Overflowing with practical application
Study Bibles
If you are looking to purchase a Study Bible from this translation, here are some good ones:
- Grace and Truth Study Bible (Amazon USA)
- NIV Bible Speaks Today (Amazon USA)
- The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (Amazon USA)
- The NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
New International Version is an easy-to-understand and faithful translation that is popular in the late 20th century. I read the NIV when I was a new Christian.
It is not a literal translation of the Bible, so it is not the most accurate Bible translation of the original languages. However, it is great for beginners who are seeking to comprehend the Bible.
English Standard Version (ESV)
The ESV is a word-for-word translation of the original biblical languages. It was first published in 2001 by Crossway. It aims to make it read elegantly and smoothly in the contemporary English language. It is suitable for all ages.
- While it is a word-for-word translation of the original text, some consider it a good balance between the literal and dynamic translation.
- It follows the tradition of William Tyndale and the King James Bible.
- The New Revised Standard Version was its predecessor.
- The Bible translators focused on literary excellency.
- Conservative and evangelical theologians and scholars translated the ESV.
- Over the years, the ESV has sold over $200 million in copies.
Study Bibles
The ESV is available in different formats. Crossway has various selections of this Bible translation from Pew Bibles to Premium Bibles.
This translation created a number of solid Study Bibles that are worth having on your bookshelf:
- ESV Study Bible (Amazon USA)
- ESV Archaeology Study Bible (Amazon USA)
- The Reformation Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
The ESV is personally my favourite Bible translation as a reader and preacher. It is a literal translation, but in my study of the original language, some of the translations in some verses do fall short. Nonetheless, it is accurate and faithful to the original text. The ESV Study Bible is perhaps the best study Bible in the market.
New Living Translation (NLT)
The NLT is a thought-for-thought translation of the original biblical languages. It was first published in 1996 by Tyndale House. But it was first called The Living Bible until it was renamed in 2004.
It aims to make the translation easier to understand in the contemporary English language. Thus, it is accessible and suitable for all ages, especially if one is not fluent in English.
- Generally, each verse begins with a new sentence.
- The translators would convey the thoughts of the text into the translation.
- It uses gender-neutral language.
- It is the simplest translation to read and understand.
- In 2008, it gains the number one spot in unit sales.
- The goal of this translation is to be accurate and precise while trying to make the text easy to understand.
- It is a good translation for beginners of the Bible.
Study Bibles
If you are in the market for a Study Bible of this translation, you may want to take a look at these selections:
NLT Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Life Application Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
The NLT uses a thought-for-thought translation. Therefore, it is not considered the most accurate Bible translation. Nonetheless, it still aims to be as accurate and precise while translating it so that it is understandable for modern readers.
Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
The Christian Standard Bible is a modern translation of the Bible. It is a revision of the Holman Christian Standard Bible, which first published the New Testament in 1999 and then the completed Bible in 2004.
- It was designed to make reading clear, easy and enjoyable.
- 90 scholars and pastors worked on this Bible translation.
- The translators did not translate every word from the original Hebrew or Greek text. Rather, they focused on the meaning of the text and then find English equivalents that would be understandable in today’s world.
- Designed for beginners of the Bible.
Study Bibles
CSB provides many different Study Bibles. Here are several of the ones that are highly recommended:
CSB Study Bible (Amazon USA)
The Spurgeon Study Bible (Amazon USA)
The Apologetics Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
This Bible lands in the middle of being a literal and dynamic translation. It is overall a good translation for all levels of spiritual maturity.
One of my favourite theologians, Thomas Schreiner, was part of the translation committee.
The CSB Study Bible is one of the best in the market with a lot of good commentaries.
New King James Version (NKJV)
This Bible translation is based on the famous King James Bible. It is new in the sense that it uses modern English to provide clarity on old English words. This translation was completed in 1979 and published by Thomas Nelson.
- It has a gentlemanly style.
- It is a word-for-word translation from the Textus Receptus.
- Still known for Christians who don’t want to use the KJV but also don’t want to abandon it.
- Old English words have been updated with modern words to clarify confusion or difficult reading from their predecessor.
- It focuses on readability and accuracy.
Study Bibles
The NKJV offers a good selection of Study Bibles:
NKJV Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Apply The Word Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
The accuracy of the Bible translation is debated because it is translated from the Textus Receptus, which is not necessarily the oldest manuscript. Overall, NKJV is still a good and accurate translation for those who do not want to read the KJV.
King James Version (KJV)
There is no doubt that the King James Version of the Bible is the most widely used Bible translation in the history of the world. It was translated from the original language and was authorized under King James in 1611. Biblical scholars called this Bible version as the authorized version.
By the grace of God, He preserved this translation of the Bible for at least 400 years.
- Retaining archaic words and old English when the Bible was first translated.
- Knowing that the pronouns are translated as thou or thee and you or ye can beneficial. The reader can detect when the author is addressing a single person or multiple people.
- Scholars translated it from the Textus Receptus manuscripts.
- It is not the easiest Bible translation to read for beginners.
Study Bibles
The King James Study Bible is an older edition with a good amount of content. On the other hand, the Reformation Heritage is a newer edition, but the notes are only good for family worship.
King James Study Bible (Amazon USA)
The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
The KJV has been the most accurate English Bible translation for many centuries. In modern times with discovered manuscripts, it remains debatable whether the KJV is the most accurate translation. However, Christians should appreciate and respect its ancient legacy.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
The New American Standard Bible remains the most accurate and literal translation of the English Bible, particularly the 1995 edition. It was first published in 1971 by the Lockman Foundation.
- It is translated using the word-for-word philosophy.
- It attempts to stick closely to the original language of the Old and New Testaments.
- It is a highly dependable and accurate translation.
- It is slightly more difficult to read than other contemporary English translations because of the awkward grammar and sentence structure.
- It is an excellent translation to use for serious Bible study.
Study Bibles
The NASB has produced some of the finest study Bibles in the market. My personal favourite one is the MacArthur Study Bible, although it is a commentary from one man.
The MacArthur Study Bible (Amazon USA)
NASB Study Bible (Amazon USA)
Bottom Line – Is It The Most Accurate Bible Translation?
The NASB may be considered the most accurate Bible translation at this moment. At the same time, the reading may be a bit challenging for beginners of the Bible. Overall, it is a great Bible translation.
It is possible that its successor – the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) – could become the most accurate Bible translation. Time will tell.
What Is The Philosophy Of Bible Translations?
The translation philosophy can be summarized in two ways: word-for-word translations and thought-for-thought translations of the Bible.
Word For Word Translation
A word-for-word translation tries translating the original language into its nearest English equivalent. This is also known as formal equivalence or literal translations.
Thought for Thought Translation
A thought-for-thought translation tries to capture the meaning of the original text rather than translating its precise wording. This is also known as dynamic equivalence.
There are many different translations. Each of the Bible translations is best in its own uniqueness and distinction.
In general, all faithful translations strive to be accurate to the original manuscripts (aka. the Hebrew words and the Greek language – while striving to balance these three elements:
- Beauty of language
- Clarity of meaning
- Dignity of style
I personally prefer the more literal translation, such as the ESV and the NKJV. I am experimenting with the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB), which is a refined version of the NASB 1995. The more literal the translation, the better I am at discovering what the Scriptures have taught accurately.
There are metrics and criteria for you to consider for finding the most accurate Bible translation.
Frequently Asked Questions

What Bible translation do most scholars use?
The Revised Standard Version (RSV) is the ecumenical version, so most scholars broadly use it.
Is the King James Bible the most accurate?
The King James Bible was the most accurate during the 17th – 20th century. With the recent discovery of earlier manuscripts, it may not be considered the most accurate.
How do I choose the right Bible translation?
You can find more information in this article: How To Choose The Most Accurate Bible Translation In 2023.
What is the best version of the Bible easiest to understand?
The New Living Translation (NLT) and the New International Version (NIV) are the easiest Bible translations to understand. I suggest the English Standard Version (ESV) because it balances readability and accuracy.
What version of the Bible should I start with?
You should start with the version your local church or pastor uses.
What Bible translation did Jesus use?
Jesus only had the Old Testament. It would have been the Greek Old Testament, known as the Septuagint or the LXX.
Should I Use Audio Bible?
You can use Audio Bible if it guides your Bible reading. There are free audio Bibles that you can utilize.
Or, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial of Audible and begin listening to the audio Bible in the ESV, NIV, KJV, or the NKJV.
Which Bible Translation Should I Avoid?
There are some Bible translations that you should avoid.
You must avoid the New World Translation, which the Jehovah’s Witness uses.
It would be best if you also avoided some of the modern translations or contemporary English version, such as the Message and the Passion Translation.
Sadly, there are other English Bible Translations that attempt to distort the meaning of the text to be inclusive or gender-neutral, such as the TNIV.
Wrapping Up
The best Bible translations for Christians to use today include the CSB, ESV, NKJV, KJV, and NASB. Each of them offers a unique and distinct translation of Scripture.
The Bible is God’s Word. The LORD calls Christians to study it with prayer and focus on its divine message.
As Paul once said to Timothy, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Now it is your turn.
Which Bible translation is your favourite?
Let me know in the comments below.
I like ESV the most now, but started out with NIV.
Have you ever done a review on “The Scriptures?”
I don’t know too much about “The Scriptures” so I haven’t done a review on it.